This is a snippit of a strory I just wrote for the new Full version is on the site.
Beach Scene Pictures
Of all the photos I enjoy looking at, the ones that make me feel the best are Beach Scene Pictures. I think it is because of my long love affair with the beach and my longing to rekindle that fire.
When I was a child, my family always went camping every year for our vacation. Nothing wrong with that, in fact I loved it! We would sleep in tents, go fishing and hiking everyday. As a boy whats not to like?
Every August we would drive to upstate New York and for two weeks we would camp in the Adirondack Park.
This was mixed with family visits in the region and daily hiking activities of various mountains. I loved the woods! So much so that at one point I thought I wanted to be a forester. I still visit the Adirondack Park several times a year as my Father now calls it his home. It is full of beauty and splendor and always brings back fond memories of my childhood. I don’t go camping anymore and have no plans to start. My days of sleeping in a tent on the ground are over and retired. I do still love to hike and fish and will continue these activities as long as there is a comfortable bed at the end of the day.
There was one August that our family did not go to the Mountains. Instead, my folks rented a cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina at Hatteras Island. It was a house right on the beach and so close to the Hatteras light house that you could see it at all times. So began my love affair with the beach.
Continued ..........